Cabbages and Kings . . .

Currently reading:

Economics in One Lesson, Henry Hazlitt. Assigned by my boss. Very cool. Obama is an economic dunce measured against Hazlitt's principles.

The Book of Common Prayer. Why don't we pray prayers like these anymore? The BoCP is full of prayers for victory, for aid in "running after" God's promises. It seems that we pray only for our own advancement and blessings; we are continually praying for health (we have so many people ill and in distress!). But I'm also reading the book of Job. Why don't we pray for outcomes like Job's?

The Tristan Chord: Wagner and Philosophy, Bryan McGee. About a pompous bore by a pompous bore.

Majesty: Elizabeth II and the House of Windsor, Robert Lacey. Fun read. God was very gracious to England in bringing George VI and the present Queen to the throne. England might not exist at all if Edward VIII had continued his reign into World War II.

In other news, I have a diploma now. And the GRE is a week from this Monday. My study guide has been taking priority in my reading, so all the above mentioned books are going very slowly.


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