More thoughts while scanning groceries . . .

All sorts of odd responses to food and ideas as to what's "healthy."

Turkeys were more expensive this year. One woman rather complained about it, saying something to the effect of "I don't even know why we eat turkey." "Well, maybe we'll switch to eating pork someday," I replied. "I hope not," she said, "that's even worse for you." Huh? Who comes up with these distinctions? Maybe I have been suckered by the "Pork: the other white meat" campaign. I've heard about the evils of all animal protein, or the relative healthiness of fish or poultry over red meat, but this was new.

Another woman, pushing a toddler in her cart, bought coconut milk. I asked about it, since it was new to me and looked yummy. "Well, I wasn't going to feed her cow puss, and I didn't wan't to do soy because it's been so genetically modified, and I didn't want to do almond milk because it has nuts in it, but coconut's a vegetable." Cow puss? What a revolting term. Is that how you think of your breast milk? immediately popped into my head.

I enjoy reading gluten free or dairy free or vegetarian or raw or vegan recipes, just to see the creativity enforced by these restrictions. But it is troubling to see folks become catagorically prejudiced against entire food groups and speak scornfully of the gifts of creation and the wonders around us.


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