More Thoughts from Thesis

I don't rebel at being a helpmeet, nor at being the glory or crown of the man. But I want my work to adorn his, not just inspire it (either as a muse or another reason to kill dragons), not just to nurture it (by cooking good food, creating a welcoming home, and building him up with praise). Can my work go beyond the domestic, beyond serving his appetites? Can the crown go with him, shedding glory in public places, beyond the energy and confidence bestowed by receiving respect at home or “sugar cake for you to take for all the boys to see”? I love stories of husbands and wives who are collaborators, where her research and knowledge strengthens, increases, sustains his project. In a sense I want to be a Deborah to a David—if it is possible for those two characters to create a peaceable union.
Pagan religions at once deify sex and its offspring while also despising the woman herself, her organs and her blood.
What dies the Church do? She is our Mother, she is Christ's Bride. She disciples the nations, she inspires art. She is the Crown of her Husband, His Ambassador to Earth, His Representative housing His representatives. As a woman crowns her husband, they both in turn adorn the crown of Christ. The Church adorns and cultivates the world.


Lanny said…
Hey Heather! You should tell all about your thesis. I hope it is going well!

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