Look you Floridians: see that sky? There's
nothing in the way. It's like the roof got lifted. No haze of humidity pressing down on you; you just stare up into the sky and it makes you giddy.

I still think of this cute spot as my little house, even though I only live in the upstairs apartment. And see the lawn? It's actually green. Rob (downstairs) plowed
amd seeded it with the help of his brother-in-law; last year it was a mess of dirt, rocks, and weeds.

Yellow crocus.

Purple crocus. They are actually a deeper purple than this, but my camera isn't able to capture their intensity.

I wish I could take pictures like Georgia
O'Keefe painte, but my camera doesn't like getting too intimate with its subjects.

Last bits of snow.

They're just too fabulous; I can't ignore them.

Cooking adventures: tomato soup with
lots of spices. Those are soy nuts and cilantro on top. I've been putting soy nuts on everything; they have a lovely toasty-golden flavor and add a nice crunch.


canteloupe with plain yogurt, cinnamon, and peanut butter.

Granny smith apples and almonds on oatmeal. They were just too pretty and I was sick that day. I never liked granny smiths until rather recently. (There's a lot of things I haven't really liked until rather recently, specifically since I began my college career: paprika, cilantro, green tea, dark chocolate, red pepper flakes, plain yogurt, eggplant, squash . . .)

Tiffany stained-glass can't rival a
My life has just somersaulted. So here are some lovely things to be thankful for.