Block Party at the NuArt Theater!

Flipping hamburgers
Dressing hamburgers
Pretty good for just a dollar
. . . and a friend
A local oddity
Behind the scenes: somebody ain't too interested

And we got ourselves some moosick. The Afters are supposed to be a big deal. And they were pretty good. But they also came right on the tail of Pastor Wilson's sermon on effeminacy in Christian men. And I wondered what the weird hairstyles and deconstructed clothes in varying degrees of drab were for. I wasn't able to stay long enough to hear any rank cliches, but they probably existed somewhere among the general what's-the-point. But still, I enjoyed them. I just didn't find them terribly original creative. But Bryan Duncan was better--though of course he represents a whole 'nother sandwich filling of culture that comes with its own doubts over mustard and mayonaisse.
And speaking of effeminacy, there were two lesbians making out in the back of the crowd. They were both short and ugly and looked like they hadn't seen the sun in several years. One was skinny with blue hair and the other was pudgy and wearing a shirt with the legend, "Don't piss off the voices." I tried to be fair and kept looking back to make sure that I hadn't misidentified a male, but everytime I checked, sure enough, they were both female. So that was exciting.