Sing hey nonny Nonny

It was all figured out. His persona drew from the previous waves of the punk rock movement while defining the new. He picked a suitably raucous punk name for himself (Darby Crash) and a suitable rockous punk name for his band (the Germs--you don't want to catch them!). They would release just one album, leaving their fans tantalized and aching for a more tangible way to capture their punk rock experience. And then he would die, ensconcing him in the Young Dead Olympians (YDO for short) a shimmering star in a glowing world, the firmament of Marilyn Monroe and James Dean and Elvis (granted, a not-so-YDO, but we waive that point, we pass over it).
And it panned out beautifully, except, that the young man got upstaged. Someone died right after him in a more dramatic fashion. John Lennon was murdered (by someone else, note) while Darby Crash could only aspire to the cliched heroin overdose. And the world, in their shock over Lennon, forgot to talk about poor Darby Crash, they forgot to elevate him to that demigod status, they forgot to build a temple and to offer sacrifices. And he never made it. He wasn't immortal after all.

Forgive me for rubbing it into your face: God has a sense of humor.

And this is just as funny. A new biopic of Crash features the boy from A Walk to Remember and he is so convincing that I quote on the authority of the New York Times (as I often do), that Shane West has captured him so perfectly that he "was formally inducted as the band’s new lead singer. . . . the first band to embrace the actor from the biopic as their singer and then go on to perform together like nothing happened.” We hope that he doesn't play him so perfectly that we can expect him to commit suicide when his height is acheived.

(And now, back to my normal voice)
**** Solzhenitsyn just died. That's a death worth remarking ****


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